US tech start-up brings digital retailing in-store

A Washington DC technology start-up is growing its business across the US by bringing elements of digital retailing to boutique stores.

RunwayStop provides tablet stands for stores, featuring aspirational photos to encourage people to purchase goods sold in the shop. The images are from look-books, runway shows, celebrities and customers, and they highlight people wearing items sold by the retailer in question.

The systems also collect customers’ emails and direct them to the retailers’ social media feeds.

Founder David Levit said: “We are currently working with numerous boutique stores in DC and New York City, which have seen a sales boost as a result of our stands.”

RunwayStop installed its first in-store tablet stand at Bishop Boutique in Old Town, Alexandria – a retailer that sells shoes and accessories from mid-level luxury brands such as Elaine Turner, Ivanka Trump and LK Bennett.

More recently, Ame Ame became the first store in New York City to carry the RunwayStop product. The Manhattan boutique specialises in designer umbrellas and other unique rain gear. It was the eighth store to introduce the tablet stand technology.

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